If You Can't Figure Out What's Going On With Kicking, You'll Be Glad You Read This Article to Know About Your Dog Behavior!
Many pet owners have been through hell and back when trying to teach their dogs to lie down without kicking. While most of us give up on training after a few failed attempts, it turns out there are some very specific reasons why he kicks you while you’re lying down.
So let's dive into why does my dog kick me when lying down ……….
KeyTake Aways: Dog Is Kicking
Boredom: Dogs may kick or nip when lying down if they're bored and want to play. Keeping them busy with toys or activities can help.
Hunger: Kicking might be a sign of hunger. Dogs may bark, sniff, or kick to communicate their need for food.
Need to go out: Untrained dogs may kick or exhibit other behaviors to signal that they need to go outside. Proper training can address this.
Temperature discomfort: Dogs may kick if they're too hot or cold. Adjusting the room temperature or providing comfort can alleviate this.
Dislike or discomfort: Unusual behavior, growling, or biting may indicate that the dog is unhappy or uncomfortable around you.
Stress: Dogs may kick due to stress, signaling it through barking, whining, or unusual behavior. Adequate exercise and playtime can help alleviate stress.
Fear: Kicking may be a response to fear, especially in the presence of loud noises or unfamiliar objects.
Anger: Dogs may kick if they're angry. It's essential to understand that their anger is a sign of discomfort, not necessarily directed at you.
Confusion: Dogs may kick or exhibit other behaviors when they're confused or overwhelmed. They might bark, cry, or bite in such situations.
Lack of understanding: Dogs may kick when lying down if they don't comprehend what's happening. Punishing them is not effective; instead, they need patience and guidance.
10 Reasons Why Does My Dog Kick Me When Lying Down

There are a few reasons why your dog may kick you when lying down. One common reason is muscle spasms, which can cause your dog to involuntarily kick their back legs. This can be a result of arthritis or other musculoskeletal issues that cause discomfort for your dog.
Another possibility is that your dog may be having petit mal or grand mal seizures, which can cause them to kick their legs as a result of the muscle contractions associated with the seizure activity. If you notice that your dog is kicking you frequently or if the kicking is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it's important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues.
Your vet can conduct a thorough examination and may recommend further diagnostic testing to determine the cause of the kicking behavior. But before visiting a vet, there could be other non-medical reasons for the kicking behavior of the dog.
When dogs get bored, they may not pay much attention to what is happening around them. They may start to act in a way that is not very friendly, such as nipping at your leg or kicking you when you lay down for sleep. To stop the dog's kicking back legs behavior, it is best to keep your pup busy by playing with him or giving him something interesting to chew on.
Dog is hungry
If your dog is hungry, he may look for a way to let you know. He may start to bark or sniff at your leg or kick you if you are lying down. Pups also have different ways of showing hunger. A hungry puppy may start to whimper, walk back and forth, or drool from the mouth.
When a dog is lying down and hungry, it may kick you involuntarily when you try to pet them. This behavior is a result of the dog experiencing involuntary muscle movements that are triggered by hunger. The dog kicking back legs is a reflexive action that occurs when the body is craving food.
It is important to recognize this behavior as a signal that your dog needs to be fed. By understanding these involuntary movements, you can wake your dog's awareness of their hunger and tend to their needs promptly.
The dog needs to go out
When your dog is lying down and starts kicking their hind legs, it could be a sign that they needs to go out. This behavior is often observed in older dogs, especially when they are experiencing muscle spasms during their active REM sleep. Just like humans, dogs will kick their legs when they are dreaming or experiencing intense physical sensations.
In these cases, the leg jerks are involuntary and do not indicate any discomfort or pain. However, if your dog is also showing signs of restlessness or whining, it may be a good idea to take them outside for a bathroom break.
If your dog is not well trained, he may try to let you know that he needs to go out. He may start to walk around, sniff at the door, bark, or kick you. This is a clear sign that your buddy needs to go outside. The best way to prevent this behavior is to make sure that your dog is well trained so that he knows when he needs to go outside.
The dog does not like the temperature
It's also possible that the dog does not like the temperature and is kicking to adjust themselves, but frequent and intense kicking could cause involuntary damage to your dog.
If your dog is awake at the time your dog is kicking, it may be a result of discomfort or irritation. Constant twitching or kicking could potentially cause damage to your dog if left untreated. It's important to monitor your dog's behavior and seek a veterinarian's advice if you notice any unusual movements.
Your dog may try to tell you that the temperature is too hot or cold by kicking you while you are sleeping. You can check the temperature of the room that your pup is in. If the temperature is not right, you should adjust it. There are also ways to keep the room cooler or warmer depending on what your dog prefers.
He does not like you
Yes, it can happen. Your dog might start to act strange around you and his behavior may change. He may run away, growl, or even bite you. This usually happens when your pup does not like you. He may start to do this because he has no choice.
If your dog is kicking while lying down, it may not be a sign of aggression or dislike toward you. Dogs may use their back paws to kick their legs to kick if they are sleeping, dreaming, or trying to readjust their position. You may notice this behavior if your dog is comfortable and relaxed.
One of the reasons dogs kick is to mark their territory with the scent glands located in their paws, which can cause a dog to kick when they feel like their territory is being invaded. However, if your dog is consistently kicking you while lying down, it may be a sign of nerve damage or discomfort.
To help your dog, it's important to monitor their behavior and consult with a veterinarian if you notice any unusual or consistent kicking. Understanding the reasons behind this behavior can help you better care for and communicate with your furry friend.
Dog is stressed
If your dog starts to act in a weird way and starts kicking you when you lay down for sleep, he may be feeling stressed. He may start to bark, cry or whine. If he is stressed, it is best to give him some time to calm down. It is also important to make sure that he gets enough exercise and playtime.
If your dog kicks you when lying down, it could be a sign of stress. Some dogs, especially submissive ones, exhibit this behavior because they are trying to get comfortable in their environment. It’s important to observe your dog’s behavior and consult a veterinarian if you suspect that your dog may be feeling stressed.
Depending on your dog’s age and overall health, the kicking behavior may vary in intensity. Adult dogs, however, typically show this behavior more than puppies. It’s important to understand that a healthy dog may exhibit such behavior, but it’s still important to consult a veterinarian if you have any concerns.
He is scared
When your dog is scared, he may exhibit various behaviors such as barking, running away, and trying to escape from the source of his fear. These fear responses may be triggered by loud noises, scary objects, or unfamiliar situations. Additionally, fear can also cause muscle spasms, nerve damage, or inflammation in dogs.
However, it's important to monitor your dog's behavior for any signs of related to arthritis or loss of consciousness. If your dog is still drinking and behaving normally, it's a good sign that he may just be experiencing temporary fear and there is no serious issue to worry about.
He is angry
If your dog is angry, he may try to get away from you. This could be a sign that your dog is feeling stressed or threatened, and it's important to try to understand the root cause of their anger. Dogs can become angry for a variety of reasons, such as feeling afraid or in pain.
If your dog is experiencing muscle spasms or other physical discomfort, this could cause long-term behavior changes. Additionally, dogs have different sleep cycles than humans, so it's possible that your dog may be irritable due to lack of rest. Try to observe your dog's behavior and see if a change in environment or routine helps to alleviate their anger.
He is confused
Your dog may be confused. This behavior can happen when he does not understand something that is happening around him. He may bark, cry, or even bite.
This is just a part of being a dog. He might feel overwhelmed by the noise and confusion. When this happens, he may become anxious or even aggressive. He will need to learn how to handle these situations.
He does not know what to do
Your dog may not know what to do. He may not understand what is going on. He may start kicking you when lying down. Do not punish your friend for this. It is a natural reaction, and it will only get worse.
If your dog kicks you when lying down, it could be a natural instinct from their ancestors. Wild dogs would kick up dirt after lying down to create a comfortable and safe sleeping spot. This behavior could simply be a remnant of that instinct. It could also be a sign of affection or a way for your dog to show dominance.
Sometimes, dogs may kick when they are feeling anxious or uncertain about their surroundings. It's important to observe your dog's overall body language and behavior to understand why they are kicking. If it becomes a concern, consulting with a professional dog behaviorist may help provide insight and solutions.
Does sleeping style matter?
First of all, the dog’s sleeping style can vary depending on the breed. But there are some things you can do to help him get better sleep. The most important thing is to make sure that he is getting enough exercise and playtime. If he is tired, he will sleep better. This is because he will be less stressed. Some of the more prominent resting positions of dogs are as under:-
- Sleeping on the back
- Sleeping on the side
- The sleeping on tummy
- The sleeping on paws
These positions also contribute to the kicking of your dog. Read more about 9 Dog Sleeping Positions And Their Meaning: All About Dog Sleep Behavior
How to stop my dog from kicking me with his legs?
You can easily train your dog to stop his/her unwanted kicking if you follow the steps mentioned below.
Find the reason
The first step is to find out why your dog is doing this while lying. You’ll want to find out why he is kicking you, and whether this behavior is normal for him. It could be that he is trying to play with you, or it could be that he is trying to protect himself.
Get the right equipment
If your dog is kicking you, he will probably need to be taught a different way of playing. You can buy a dog toy that’s designed for this purpose. This way, your dog won’t have to hurt you, but it will also stop him from getting on your bad side.
Teach your dog
Once you’ve bought the right equipment, it’s time to teach him how to behave properly. Start by using positive reinforcement, so that he learns that he will get a treat if he behaves well. Read more Awesome Schedule for Puppy Training: How To Train Your Dog Right Way
Reward your dog
Once your dog has learned how to behave properly, you’ll want to reward him. This is a great way to teach him that this behavior is a good one.
Prevent the behavior
If he is still kicking you, it might be time to try and prevent this behavior from happening again. You can use a crate to prevent your dog from getting on top of you. This way, he won’t be able to get on your bad side, but it will also help to stop him from kicking you.
Keep an eye on your pup
If your dog is still kicking you, it might be time to get some professional help. You can talk to a vet or a trainer about how to prevent this behavior.
You will probably need a good training program and lots of patience. You may need to train him for a long time to make sure that he learns to respond correctly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the causes of the dog kicking?
There are a few things that can cause your dog to kick you. These things include stress, anxiety, fear, pain, boredom, and pain. The most important thing is to find out why your pup is doing this. If it is normal behavior for him, then you should do nothing. If it is a behavior that you want to change, then you should try to understand why he is doing it.
Why does my dog kick me with back legs?
There is a real reason why they do this. This behavior is called marking their territory. A dog's foot is designed to leave behind a scent as it touches the ground.
If you want to understand why he is doing this, you need to understand how scent works. The scent is a powerful force. It is also a very important part of their communication system. They use their sense of smell to find food, locate their mates, and even warn other dogs to stay away. The reason why they kick the ground is that they are trying to leave behind their scent.
What does it mean when my dog kicks me?
The kicking reflex is caused by nerves located under the skin, which is why dogs often kick when they are being scratched. The nerve sends a message to the brain, which in turn signals the leg muscles to move. This reflex is usually triggered by something irritating or painful, so when you scratch your buddy, you are probably causing it to kick you.
Why does my dog kick me at night?
Puppies and dogs sleep a lot, just like people do. When they enter the stage of deep sleep, they begin dreaming of playing or maybe chasing another pup. Sometimes they can twitch or shake while sleeping and even kick you at night.
Why does my dog press against me to sleep?
Your dog may press against you to sleep for a few reasons. One possible reason is that he feels comforted by your presence and enjoys the sensation of being close to you. Dogs are social animals, and they often seek out physical contact with their owners as a way to feel secure and connected.
Another reason could be that your dog is seeking warmth or reassurance. By pressing against you, he may be trying to share body heat or find a sense of protection. Ultimately, your dog pressing against you to sleep is a sign of his trust and affection for you, and it's a behavior that is commonly seen in dogs who have a strong bond with their owners.
Why does my dog push his paws on me?
Your dog may be pushing his paws on you as a way to show affection or seek attention. Dogs use their paws to communicate and interact with their owners, and pushing their paws on you could be a sign of wanting to cuddle, play, or be petted. This behavior is also a way for your dog to establish physical contact and feel close to you.
It's important to pay attention to your dog's body language and respond accordingly, as pushing paws can also be a sign of anxiety or discomfort. By responding with gentle affection and positive reinforcement, you can strengthen the bond with your furry friend and ensure they feel secure and loved.
Why does my dog kick like a horse?
If she is playing in the backyard, you might see her kicking the ground, scratching at it, and even digging it up. This behavior may be related to a form of communication among dogs. This way they can tell each other where to play, where to hunt, and where to run. They also use it to mark their territory.
What can I do to stop my dog from kicking me?
You can't stop him from kicking you, but you can reduce the number of kicks you get. It is important to understand that he is not kicking you because he wants to hurt you. Instead, it is kicking you because it is trying to communicate with you.
Is it dangerous for my dog to kick?
Yes, it is. This behavior is a warning sign that he is trying to tell you something. When he kicks you, he is trying to warn you about something. If he kicks you too much, he may be trying to get your attention or tell you to stay away.
If you don't understand why does my dog kick me when lying down, you might accidentally hurt him. In this case, he will not be able to warn you about the danger, and you may get hurt.
Can I train my dog to stop kicking?
Yes, you can train your dog to stop kicking. It is important to understand that he is trying to tell you something. So if you can understand him, you can always train him not to kick.
How do I know when my dog is getting bored?
If he is bored, you will notice that he is restless. He will not be sleeping much, and he will be spending a lot of time exploring the backyard. This is a good time to spend some time with your dog, playing with him, and teaching him new things.
Should I pet my dog while sleeping?
If you want to give him a treat, petting a sleeping dog may help you get his attention. A good rule of thumb is to avoid touching a resting dog unless he is whining or shaking. If that's the case, then a gentle pat will usually help soothe him.
I hope that this article has given you a better understanding of why does my dog kick me when lying down. Understanding your dog's behavior is an important part of raising a healthy and happy buddy. If you have any questions about your best friend's behavior, you can contact us.