Category Dogs

Why Is My Dog Lethargic And Gaining Weight

Why Is My Dog Lethargic And Gaining Weight

Key takeaway: Why Is My Dog Lethargic And Gaining Weight Medical causes such as hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease, heart disease, prescription drugs, and intestinal parasites can contribute to a dog’s lethargy and weight gain. Non-medical factors such as overfeeding, inadequate portion…

Why Does My Dog Keep Losing Weight

my dog losing weight

If you’ve noticed that your dog has been steadily losing weight, it’s natural to feel concerned. I’ve personally experienced this with my own pup, Bella. Despite her healthy appetite, Bella’s weight kept decreasing, leaving me puzzled and worried. But Why…

10 Reasons-Why Does My Dog Love Licking My Feet

Why Does My Dog Love Licking My Feet

If you’ve ever wondered why your dog has a peculiar fondness for licking your feet, you’re not alone. Dogs, being social creatures, have unique ways of expressing their affection, and foot licking is one of them. Just like humans hug…